About Legal Jive
Our Mission
How it Started
I decided to hire one of the largest law firms in Portland, Oregon. This powerful law firm laughed at the " frivolous lawsuits " and the strip mall attorney who had filed these complaints. They told me, "Do not worry" claimed the $900 per hour law firm "this will be over quickly." WRONG!! A settlement was reached in May of 2021, 7 YEARS LATER. During those 7 years ridiculous requests were made by opposing counsel just to generate billable hours. My lawyers did nothing to stop this fee generating tsunami. Example, opposing counsel wanted to know where DEPOSITS to my mother's checking account for $49 and $67 originated. These were deposits NOT withdrawals that had occurred 2 years before her death. Who complains about deposits? Just that request alone cost about $1,500 in attorneys fees.
After 7 years approximately $1,500,000 in attorneys fees, "Special-Co-Trustee" fees and mediator fees have been spent by people who were not intelligent enough to realize what was being done to them. The attorneys and their "associates" never let go. If I had not found a way to stop this madness it would still be going on until the money well ran dry. This is why Legal Jive was created. We can share our knowledge. We can sort the good from the bad. I know as fact that the intention of the legal system was meant to be fair yet it rarely is because of human nature and greed.